From Lab to Field: Developing a Benchtop Raman Spectroscopy for Pesticide Detection in Food-1 Work Package 4: Pesticide Raman Measurements using nanofabricated SERS surfaces

2024-2025 Spring
Faculty Department of Project Supervisor: 
Sabancı University Nanotechnology Research and Application Center (SU-NUM)
Number of Students: 

The students will measure various pesticide or antibiotic samples on custom-developed nanofabricated surfaces and assist senior PhD students/other personnel in the lab for the ongoing Lignonano APYK 4.1 and 4.2 projects.
“Stock solutions of each pesticide/antibiotics will be prepared and diluted to achieve different concentrations. 20 µL samples will be measured on fabricated SERS surfaces using a Raman instrument, with 25 measurements per sample from different points. Raw data will undergo cosmic ray removal, baseline correction, smoothing, and normalization.
After measuring single pesticides/antibiotics, combinations of four pesticides with high spectral overlap will be measured to further train the current AI system."

Related Areas of Project: 
Materials Science ve Nano Engineering