
Program Facilities & Requirements


  • PURE program is open only to undergraduate students, including Sabancı University students as well as domestic and international applicants during summer program.
  • Graduate students are NOT eligible for application.
  • Duration of PURE summer program is 8 weeks.
  • Students can apply up to 6 research projects, which are announced by Sabancı University faculty members and researchers, in an order of precedence and in accordance with their research interests. Students can be a part of ONLY 1 project.
  • Students are assigned to the projects they selected as a result of the evaluations done by the faculty members/researchers.
  • Students receive a certificate of participation upon completing the program successfully.
  • Students are expected to have good academic standing and adequate knowledge of English which is sufficient to fulfill the requirements of their projects. The expected level of language and academic success may change according to the demands of the project and faculty member/researcher. The language of the program is English.
  • Registration for the program and accommodation is free of charge for the students admitted to the program. Free accommodation is provided only for summer terms in shared dorm rooms in campus.
  • All other personal expenses, transportation costs and meal costs are the responsibility of the participant.
  • Students can use the facilities within the campus, such as the Information Center, Cafeteria and Sports Facilities.
  • Students who will use the laboratories are required to take the “Lab Safety” training provided by the Laboratory Specialists.
  • Students who will participate in the program are expected to have health insurance. SGK is valid for Turkish citizens.
  • Students are expected to make a presentation about their research in the specified date in parallel sessions. Each of the students must attend their own session (Each session contains 3-4 research presentation).
  • Students are expected to attend at least 3 seminars during summer term.
  • Students are expected to prepare a final report and a poster.


  • Sabancı University students who are enrolled in Summer Internship* are NOT eligible for PURE. As long as there is no conflict for the summer internship, SU students can work on PURE projects. There is no obstacle for them to apply.
  • Sabancı University students who are enrolled in Summer School are NOT eligible for PURE.
SSBF (CULT 300, ECON 300, IS 300, POLS 300, PSIR 300, PSY 300, VA 300), MDBF (BIO 395, CS 395, EE 395, IE 395, MAT 395, ME 395), YBF (MGMT 300).


  • PURE Summer Program can be an Internship for Non-SU students. To qualify the PURE Program as an internship, you must follow the rules of your home university. Sabancı University only provides signatures to confirm your internship. Your insurance payments and official processes are followed by your own university. No fee is paid to the student for the internship by Sabancı University.
  • Thanks to the cooperation with the Ministry of Culture, additional scholarships will be given by the ministry to 15 international students. Further information will be shared.
  • Except for the 15 students who will receive a scholarship from the Ministry, accepted international students can work in the PURE project at their own expense. These students are responsible for their own visa processes. Students are responsible for the expenses for these procedures. Sabancı University will only issue a certificate of acceptance to the program. Free accommodation still be valid.

Visa and Health Insurance

  • For international students who do not have visa exemption or whose visa exemption covers less than 90 days of stay in Turkey need to apply for a visa.
  • International students are REQUIRED TO have travel and health insurance which cover their stay in Turkey throughout the PURE Program.

Health insurance for international students must be prepared in accordance with the regulations set forth by Ministry of Interior Directorate General of Migration Management.

Requirements for Certificate- PURE Summer Program:

  • The students MUST attend all project works during the term.
  • Students are required to make project presentations on the specified date.
  • Students are required to upload their final reports to the system on the specified date.
  • Students should upload their posters to the system on the specified date.
  • Students are expected to attend at least three of the seminars.

Students who do not fulfill the conditions that exists above will not be able to receive a certificate.

Special Requirements for Fall and Spring Terms:

  • ONLY Sabancı University students can apply PURE Fall & Spring Program.
  • Duration of PURE Fall & Spring Program is whole term.
  • School of Languages ​​students can participate in projects in the Spring and Fall semesters.
  • There is NO Poster Submission and Presentation,
  • There is NO Certificate Ceremony,
  • There are NO Student Presentations, 
  • There are NO Seminars during Fall and Spring terms. 


Requirements for Certificate- PURE Fall & Spring Program:

  • The students MUST attend all project works during the term.
  • Students are required to upload their final reports to the system on the specified date.

Students who do not fulfill the conditions that exists above will not be able to receive a certificate.


List of Application Documents 

Online Application Form - You will access when the applications are open.

Transcript - Mandatory

Statement of Purpose - Mandatory

Refereance Letters (Max. 2 Letters) - Optional