How do we process and learn language?

2024-2025 Spring
Faculty Department of Project Supervisor: 
Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences
Number of Students: 

How do we learn and process language? Research consistently highlights the role of non-linguistic cognitive abilities—such as working memory and inhibition—in shaping our capacity to grasp linguistic complexity, yet the degree to which such domain-general cognitive capacity contribute to the use of language remains unresolved and debated. 

In this project, we aim to investigate the intriguing relationship between language and non-linguistic cognition through a series of behavioral and neurophysiological studies. Data will be gathered from participants with different language backgrounds such as Turkish and English. Students involved in the project will work closely with the supervisor as well as graduate and senior students, contributing to various stages of research. Their responsibilities will include participating in theoretical and methodological discussions, conducting experiments, coding data, and actively engaging with participants.

Students must be able to work for the duration of the PURE Project (or beyond) though they take turns to have their time off.

How do I apply?

If you are interested in this project, in addition to applying through the PURE system (due January 15, 2025), we also require you to complete our original application on Qualtrics from here, by 23:59 on January 13, 2025, two days earlier than the PURE deadline

Required qualifications: 

  • interest in psychology, linguistics, and cognitive science
  • experience in collecting behavioral and/or EEG data
  • intellectual curiosity and the ability to learn new skills and knowledge independently
  • open to new experiences and able to adapt to new and/or changing circumstances
  • highly comfortable in social interactions and will take an active role in participant recruitment and communication
  • team player who is not afraid to ask for help, can take feedback and is eager to help others moderate to advanced communication skills in English

Desirable but not required qualifications:

  • social media management
  • programming skills in Python and/or other coding languages

Feel free to contact us at if you have questions. We look forward to seeing your applications!

Related Areas of Project: 
Computer Science and Engineering
Visual Arts and Visual Communications Design

About Project Supervisors

Please contact Pelin Öztürk ( if you have any questions.