Chemical vapor deposition is a method used for creating thin films and augmenting substrate surfaces at nano scales which provides high quality materials at a good priceperformance ratio. In this project, initiated chemical vapor deposition machine allows adjustable conformal polymer coating by controlling the concentrations of the initiator and monomers on the cantilever surface. Polymer coated side of the cantilever that will interact with the analyte, generally results in swelling of the side since generally the polymer is engineered to produce a large stress when it reacts with the target, pushing the gold side down and create short circuit. By this method, a chemical signal can be transformed into an electrical response with a chemiresistive polymer.
First step to accomplish determined objectives were to learn how to use Initiated Chemical Vapor Deposition, it’s techniques, and purposes of different types of polymers. After learning these, implying knowledge to main objectives which are to design and fabricate Volatile Organic Compounds Sensor and to improve already designed systems.