Developing Accelerators for Homomorphic Encryption- Group 1

2023-2024 Summer
Faculty Department of Project Supervisor: 
Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences
Number of Students: 

Advanced cryptographic algoritms such as homomoprhic encryption and zero knowledge proofs already started playing significant roles in many digital applications from privacy-preserving artificial intelligence to block chain. They, on the other, are computationally complex and therefore too slow for practical real-world applications.Therefore, efficient implementation and accelerators are essential in the adoption of these cryptographic algorihthms. In this project, the students are required to learn the mathematical foundation of these algorithms and develop Python models and test cases their implementations.
The Sabancı University crypto group are the coordinators and partners of the followign EU framework projects:
The interested students will be considered to work on these projects and financilally supported after the PURE project completion.

Related Areas of Project: 
Computer Science and Engineering
Electronics Engineering

About Project Supervisors