Experimental evolution is the use of experiments aiming to understand the nature of evolutionary processes. Since a large number of generations is required to observe the genetic response to altered conditions, microorganisms are widely used in this field (A bacteria dividing every 30 minutes will produce its 1440th generation descendant in a month).
In this project, we will design and develop arduino based chemostats to study adaptation of microorganisms to extreme environments. Students will gain experience in basic programming and electronics, also they will work in our microbiology laboratory to conduct the experiments. Preference will be given to candidates with an interest in evolution.

About Project Supervisors
Kerem Bora
Visiting instructor
Foundations Development Directorate,
Sabanci University
Orhanli, Tuzla, Istanbul 34956 Turkey
Office: FENS G016
Phone: +90-216-483-7037
E-mail: kerembora@sabanciuniv.edu
Süphan Bakkal
Foundations Development Directorate,
Sabanci University
Orhanli, Tuzla, Istanbul 34956 Turkey
Office: FENS G016
Phone: +90-216-483-9714
E-mail: suphanbakkal@sabanciuniv.edu