Who gets what? -- Solving matching problems using AI methods- Group 2

2024-2025 Fall
Faculty Department of Project Supervisor: 
Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences
Number of Students: 

Matching problems are about markets where individuals are matched with individuals or firms or items, typically across two sides, with respect to preferences/utilities. In other words, the focus is to answer "Who gets what?", e.g., in job applications, "Who works at which job?", in dormitory applications, "Who shares a room with who?", in kidney donation, "Who receives which kidney?".

Matching problems have been mainly studied in economics, starting with the seminal paper of Gale and Shapley (1962), which has led to a Nobel Prize in 2012, utilizing game theory methods with the goal of a mechanism design. Later, it has also attracted the attention of computer scientists, starting with Knuth (1976).

In this project, we will pick one of the matching problems, and study it from an interdisciplinary perspective. Our goal is to design and develop computational methods to solve this matching problem using AI methods, borrowing concepts and methodologies from economics.

For this project, a good background on math is a must. The project is recommended for CS, IE and ECON students.

Related Areas of Project: 
Computer Science and Engineering
Industrial Engineering

About Project Supervisors

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