Managerial Leadership: Promotion and Turnover - Group 1

2019-2020 Fall
Faculty Department of Project Supervisor: 
School of Management
Number of Students: 

360 degree leadership assessments are becoming commonplace in organizations' attempt to develop their leadership talent.   In this type of assessment managers evaluate themselves and are evaluated or rated by various stakeholders including their manager, direct reports, colleagues or peers and perhaps by internal customers with respect to their leadership competencies.   These assessments provide important developmental feedback to the target managers on their strengths, weaknesses in the area of leadership.  It is not clear if organizations are aware of the leadership talent they employ in their middle management ranks and strive to promote them to higher ranks within the organization or they are unable to retain these talented managers.  The goal of the project is to examine the relationship between leadership ratings and promotion and turnover of managers. In this project 360 degree assessment data are available on a sample of Turkish middle level managers from various organizations.    Students are expected to work on data cleaning, data collection (from Linkedin) on promotion and turnover and data analysis.  Students need to have some excel or data skills.  

Related Areas of Project: 