Clay Nanotubes with Enhanced Loading and Gas Absorption Capacities for Food Packaging Applications

2019-2020 Fall
Faculty Department of Project Supervisor: 
Sabancı University Nanotechnology Research and Application Center (SU-NUM)
Number of Students: 

Halloysite nanotubes are natural clay nanoparticles presenting a hollow tubular nanostructure. Due to their unique properties such as high thermal stability, mechanical strength, low cost and biocompatibilitythey have been widely utilized as reinforcing agents and as containers for active components  in drug delivery, controlled release, water purification, dentistry, cosmetics and food packaging applications.
For food packaging applications, halloysite nanotubes can be loaded with active agents that can improve the freshness of food products .  Halloysite nanotubes can also absorb gases that cause food spoilage. Thus, packaging materials containing halloysite nanotubes can significantly improve the shelf life of food products. In this project, halloysite nanotubes will be functionalized to enhance their loading capacity and to improve their gas absorption properties. The effect of different surface functionalization methods on the amount of encapsulated active agent and the amount of absorbed gases will be investigated.

Related Areas of Project: 
Materials Science ve Nano Engineering

About Project Supervisors

Hayriye Ünal