Solving Matching Problems Using Artificial Intelligence : Interview Scheduling

2019-2020 Spring
Faculty Department of Project Supervisor: 
Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences
Number of Students: 

Matching problems are about markets where individuals are matched with individuals or firms or items, typically across two sides, as in employment (e.g., who works at which job), university entrance (e.g., which students go to which school), and kidney donation (e.g., who receives which transplantable organ). This project involves design and development of methods to solve such matching problems. For that, we will learn and apply various concepts of Economics and ArtificialIntelligence.
In Spring 2020, a continuation of this project will involve doing computer experiments on bipartite graphs that arise upon “perturbations” of a stable matching.
Strong background in Python coding and strong math skill, probability&statistics will be useful.

Related Areas of Project: 
Computer Science and Engineering

About Project Supervisors