X-ray detector development for CubeSats and healthcare applications- Group 1

2020-2021 Spring
Faculty Department of Project Supervisor: 
Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences
Number of Students: 

In High Energy Astrophysics Detector Lab we design and build X-ray detectors for astrophysics and healthcare applications.  Students can pick up valuable skills while contributing to the research done in the lab. Depending on the students' abilities and expertise, different contribution possibilities exist:
1. Building an interface for a 3 axis positioning system 
2. Low noise ciruit design with altium for test setups
3. Interface software development for detector readout

Related Areas of Project: 
Computer Science and Engineering
Electronics Engineering
Mechatronics Engineering

About Project Supervisors

Emrah Kalemci, myweb.sabanciuniv.edu/ekalemci  ekalemci@sabanciuniv.edu
Ayhan Bozkurt abozkurt@sabanciuniv.edu