Quantification of Amorphous Reaction Products in a Correlative Study Using XRays and Scanning Electron Microscopy

2021-2022 Summer
Faculty Department of Project Supervisor: 
Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences
Number of Students: 

The project wlil encompass quantifying amorphous reaction products of cement hydration with the help of quantitative x ray diffraction and BSE imaging in a scanning electron microscope. The qualified student my have an understanding of electrons, atoms, chemical reactions, chemical reaction equations, correct reading of periodic chart of elements, atomic weight calculations etc. the rest we will teach. The projects a 2 year long project. PURE will be only part of it. The student is expected to continue with the project with the help of a senior and graduate student.

Related Areas of Project: 
Materials Science ve Nano Engineering

About Project Supervisors

Mehmet Ali Gülgün
Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences