The goal of this meta-analysis is to better understand the role of organizational improvisation as a process in management. More precisely, the goal is to better understand how organizational improvisation, triggered by organizational antecedents, shape work outcomes in organizations.
The students will be involved in the the data extraction process from articles : the researcher will have identified a list of articles to include in the meta-analysis and will provide the references to the students. Students will have then to get the corresponding pdfs from google scholar, and then fill a table provided by the professor by entering/copy-pasting the parameters of interest from the pdfs. Such parameters include for instance the research question, the input variable, the output variable, the sample size of the study etc...
The professor will give a training with one-article-data extraction, so that the student has an example from the professor as a point of comparison to guide his work.
This work would require the involvement of three students.
Thanks in advance.
About Project Supervisors
Alex Cayrol alex.cayrol@sabanciuniv.edu