How does the manipulated race, ethnicity, gender or age of an AI generated spokesperson affect social media performance- Group 2

2023-2024 Fall
Faculty Department of Project Supervisor: 
School of Management
Number of Students: 

AI has enabled marketers to generate images and videos that can be used as communication tools in all types of media. It is possible to create a 3D video of an AI generated spokesperson to deliver any message on any media.  This AI generated spokesperson can be designed by AI, based on the input from the user, from any race, ethnicity, gender and age.


In this project, students will design at least one communications experiment, where they manipulate either the race, ethnicity, gender or age of an AI generated spokesperson to deliver a content on a social media platform. The metrics to follow will be views, likes and comments as well as shares. 


The students are expected to develop skills in AI generating of spokespeople with various characteristics, designing experiments and measuring performance of experiments

Related Areas of Project: 
Computer Science and Engineering
Electronics Engineering
Visual Arts and Visual Communications Design