Content Analysis of News Consumption on Social Media 1
In today's world, news consumers are increasingly likely to get their news from social media outlets, including but not limited to Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter. These outlets provide easier access to news compared to more traditional sources such as cable TV and newspapers, and more importantly, they offer platforms where consumers can express their opinions through various forms of reactions. In this project, we will conduct a content analysis of news consumption on social media, focusing on the news itself as well as consumers' reactions to it.
glossary- Content Analysis: The study of documents and communication artifacts, which might be texts of various formats, pictures, audio or video.
About Project Supervisors
Name: Vahid
Surname: Karimi Motahhar
SBS Marketing Assistant Professor
Quantitative Modeling, Social Media Analysis, Prediction Markets, Decision Biases, Natural Language Processing, Content Analysis, Big Data.