Optical Coherence Tomography (and Angiography) Scans and Deep Learning based Alzheimer’s Disease Diagnosis

2022-2023 Summer
Faculty Department of Project Supervisor: 
Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences
Number of Students: 

Our application for the project titled "Optical Coherence Tomography (and Angiography) Scans and Deep Learning-Based Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosis" has been accepted by Tubitak-1001 ARDEP Programme.  
We are working on the problem of using non-invasive OCT scans for the detection of Alzheimer's Disease (AD) and Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI).
The medical research on the subject is fairly new and has been intensifying in the last 10 years. However, there is no open database. 
In this project we aim to 
1) collect OCT data and publish an open database
2) Detect and classify AD and MCI by using deep learning methods
3) Use classifier explainations to search for new biomarkers for AD and MDD. 
Our team includes Faik Boray TEK (ITU Artificial Intelligence and Data Eng.) as the principal investigator, ophthalmologists Assoc. Dr. Mehmet Bulut and Assoc. Dr. Devrim Toslak (Antalya Educational Research Hospital), neurologist Assoc. Dr. Aylin Yaman (Antalya Eğ. Research Hospital), consultant (Dr. Chiara La Morgia, Istituto delle Scienze Neurologiche di Bologna, Italia)  and two doctoral fellows (Yasemin Turkan Computer Eng and Dr. Buse Seymen's Eye H. Specialization candidate).

Related Areas of Project: 
Computer Science and Engineering

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