Important Notice, FAQ

Dear Applicants,
For all your questions, please visit the requirements page on our website first.
After completing your application, do not log in to the system unless necessary.
After completing all your documents, complete your application in one go.
Please apply from your laptop, not from your phones.
We are accepting unofficial transkript, you do not have to wait your official transkript.
Reference Letters are not mandatory. It is optional, however, it is a strong document that support your application. You will write the name, email and the institution of the referee. They will upload the letters to the system via link that we have sent them. 
If you are registering or requesting a new password, please kindly check your junk box in your email.
Follow the announcements regularly, our process is dynamic and changes will only be announced on the announcements page on the PURE website.
Thank you very much for your interest.
Kind regards,